Wednesday, April 27, 2011

At the booth!

So it's day 1 of SLA Fiesta today and all in a day, we managed a number of 10 students who registered their interest in joining the team! Not too bad for women's soccer though definitely we would be unable to beat the 150 over registered names that the men's soccer have. We will get there, someday!

The view of the booth, just like a usual soccer fan's bedroom.
Who wouldn't like a wall with Kaka, Guti and Henry on it?

Fiza, Sam, Wana, Ernie and Mag get together for a photo with 2 of the men's soccer team players.

So that's a wrap from day 1 of SLA Fiesta 2011!

Do come back and check out what happened on day 2 tomorrow and we will have some videos just for you! Remember to also join us on our twitter!

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