Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Preparing for SLA Fiesta

This post is a tad late but for those who have not seen what Kate and Mag have in stores for you while they did some friendship bands for the freshmen, watch this video to find out!

Passing and more passing

Over the past week, the team's training was focused on passing. Passing may only be a word but it's such an important skill in the game of soccer! You would definitely want to keep possession by making good passes between your team mates and if you want to get a goal!

The team gathers with the coach to hear what's next.

The team busy with their passing.

At the booth!

So it's day 1 of SLA Fiesta today and all in a day, we managed a number of 10 students who registered their interest in joining the team! Not too bad for women's soccer though definitely we would be unable to beat the 150 over registered names that the men's soccer have. We will get there, someday!

The view of the booth, just like a usual soccer fan's bedroom.
Who wouldn't like a wall with Kaka, Guti and Henry on it?

Fiza, Sam, Wana, Ernie and Mag get together for a photo with 2 of the men's soccer team players.

So that's a wrap from day 1 of SLA Fiesta 2011!

Do come back and check out what happened on day 2 tomorrow and we will have some videos just for you! Remember to also join us on our twitter!

SLA Fiesta 2011!

The annual recruitment drive is here again at Student Life Activities (SLA) Fiesta!

Visit our booth at booth no. 9 at the Agora Halls if you are interested to join the team! There are some lil' gifts for you from the team and check out the amazing booth design by the team too!

See you there!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Orrrrientation Programme 2011


If you've been following our twitter, you would've known that some of the players were busy leading their respective schools and centres in the Orientation Programme 2 weeks ago held for the freshmen!

At the end of the 3 days, reigning champion SHL took a step down and came in 2nd in the overall Principal Challenge Cup. So what about the new Champion? Well, the Champion at the end of the 3 days went to SEG!

Mim, one of the leaders for her school, SHL, with the facepaint.

Sheu, with her fellow SOH leaders, assisting to provide good hospitality in keeping the field neat after the Tug Of War!

Great job to all leaders and may next year's Orientation Programme be another great one!

Congratulations to SEG for being Champion this year and also to all other winners!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Feb's Futsal 7s

This is loooooooong overdue but in anyway, let's look back at this unfeatured event that the team took part in back 2 months ago...

Against Arion at home ground, Home of The Republic.

Salasiah, thinking of her next move while 2 Arion players close in.

Mim, the keeper, guiding the outfield players along with Ernie.
(Did we mention, Mim got a new pair of neat white gloves!)

Ernie, who did well defensively and caused some trouble in midfield, decides her next move.

So that's about all we have from February's Futsal 7s League 2011. Let's say, the team did well and did their best every Sunday, playing under the very hot scorching sun!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

We are on twitter!

Yes, you are right! We are following the 25785million other twitter citizens and now officially, we are on twitter! Follow us at for news on the move too!