Tuesday, May 14, 2013

CCA Fiesta 2013

Wow, it has been almost half a year since we last updated you with some news! Now we are back! We have Samira, who writes in to share on what happened during this year's CCA Fiesta:

Some of the players, together with a few of the male counterparts, come together for a photo at their booth.

Recently, we had a CCA Fiesta, which was held on the 24 and 25 April. The event was a showcase of the different interest groups (IG), who showed what they had to offer to the freshmen who are looking to join any of the interest groups. All the sports IGs were located in the South Agora Hall and again, we shared the same booth with our male counterparts.

We sacrificed our break time to give full support to promote our IG and even our graduated seniors such as Shank, Sarah, Immy and Mag came back to help us out. We are thankful for their assistance!

The atmosphere was chaotic but fun at the same time. We managed to get a rough estimation of 70 freshmen who signed up with us and we hope that they would make it to the try-out sessions which would be held on 7 and 14 May 2013. We hope to see you then!

That is all we have for you now! Remember to follow us on our twitter (@rpwst) and tweet us your experience if you were there for either of the try-out sessions!