Monday, December 14, 2009

Krazier Kids!

It's the 2nd day of the clinic today and the kids more or less practice the same basics they did in their first ever session or rather, we would like to say that 2 of the stations were slightly improved to make it more exciting for the kids!

So the day was pretty much summed up with fun and more fun (despite some of the kids being a handful and stubborn...) as they gear up to their Soccer Carnival come Thursday!

Coach Atiqah explains the instructions to her station as the kids listen.

Douglas tries to take aim at the cone as Shasha guides him along.

...and he is off to celebrate with his coaches as he scores!

The kids in action in their mini game.

Shasha with her student and their bright smiles.

So that's it from the 2nd session of the Soccer Clinic and check back to find out what happened at the Carnival!

1 comment:

farbrena said...

it's douglas, not marcus. lol.