Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Support Team!

Only today, was the team told that they have a Support Team from the school of Sports, Health and Leisure! So hooray for that and it was surely good for the team to have such a great support team of 3!

Today the team had physical as per usual every week, having run 1.5km on the outskirts of the school before having a short agility session, assisted by their very own Support Team! They have kindly assisted the team in organizing the agility session, came out with a plan as to how the layout should be with the placing of the cones and agility ladder. All in all, there was 4 stations (with a team mate at the other end of each station) and each station required a different duty.

The first station required hopping from gap to gap on the ladder and at the end of the hop, each have to head the ball that will be thrown by a team mate. The second station required zig-zag running between the cones and at the end of the run, each have to do a one touch pass with the team mate that will be stationed there at the end. The third station required a zig-zag run between the cones
(but this time, bigger spaces between the cones) and at the end of the run, each have to knee-trap the ball and then kick the ball with the front laces. The last stationed required a side ways run-in-and-out on the ladder and at the end of the run, each have to do a controlled volley, with a team mate stationed at the end feeding the ball. Each, have to complete 5 sets for each station. Due to human traffic problems, the Support's Team plan did not go as planned but still, everyone managed to complete all stations, so great job!

Rain then started to pour slightly and the team headed back indoors to do some stomach exercises before calling it a wrap for the day. Those series of stomach stretches sure did kill all but surely on the other hand, everyone in the team will surely know that it was indeed worth the effort as they feel their tummies the following morning!

Hopefully today's physical will aid in the team's preparation for tomorrow's back to field work! Last but not least, Team Republic's WST would like to thank their Support Team(whom they can now truly call their own!) of Ain, Daniel and Jia Wen for all their efforts today!

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