Thursday, April 29, 2010


Every year, Team Republic's WST holds try out for fresh(wo)men who would like to try out for the team. As the saying goes, there's always a first try for everything.

On the first try out session yesterday, the team had 19 girls who came to show their skills! There were strikers, midfielders, defenders and.......most importantly, there was a national U-19 keeper who came as well!

As usual, the 19 new girls teamed up had spar against the current Team Republic WST in an 11-a-side game. It was an interesting match to watch (though we don't know how long each half lasted) and to see what skills everyone had to offer on the field. At the end of the game, Team Republic WST came up winners against the Team New Girls. But again, it's not about the score but more about the experience gained and knowledge shared.

The field during pre-try-out.

Fi (#6) makes a pass in pre-try-out to Wana (top).

Team Republic WST in action against the new girls (in black).

Both teams in action.

All in all, the first try out session was concluded and a few names were shortlisted by the Coach! The second try out session starts tomorrow and let's see if we can spot more talents and skills from more new players!

We also need to hope that the weather God will provide some good weather!

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Cambodia's Calling: Part 3

It's been a week and definitely, you, yes you, behind your screens, must have been waiting for the final part! Here you go!

Iffa carrying one of the kids with all her strength!

Everyone with smiles, after quenching their thirst in a hot weathered Cambodia!

Off the field, these Cambodian girls are hair plait masters! Iffa and Nurdinee definitely enjoyed it.

Yatie and Iffa pose proudly with their medals.

After yet another hard day at work, our photographer, Nurdinee poses with a huge grin with her well-earned medal too!

So, all in all, a great trip all around and while it is always sad to leave, Shasha and Yatie would definitely love to give back more to the kids, if there was more time as Yatie put it:

"If I were to be more prepared, I would bring along nursery English books to be given to them. Education is the greatest gift to me, and I would love to impart it permanently into them."

As for Shasha, her greatest gift would be:

"If I were to choose one gift, I would choose to give them a soccer ball. Simply because football is the reason we met, we communicate and have fun through the ball and love was being spread during the process. "

That's all we have for you from this trip! For now, the team is back to school and soon, training will resume! Any great news, we'll keep you posted!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Cambodia's Calling: Part 2

Whoa, it's been more than half a month since we last shared about the trip to Cambodia! Without further a do, let's get part 2 started!

In this post, we have our special guest, Shasha, who share some photos and captions from the trip...

The kids gather to welcome us as we sign in before entering the school, Indochina StarFish Foundation.

Jo Rien - go back to class
The kids running back to their classroom after a short break.

Their first ever PE lesson with games and running. As they say, action speaks louder than words, thus it was easier for us to communicate with action despite not knowing each other's language.

A visit to the Genocide Museum. The wall shows the partition of the prison cells of the victims. Indeed, a small space for them.

Reading messages and drawing left by the visitors for the victims.

It's class break and they head off for the balls! This is also their training ground and soccer is the main sport for both boys and girls.

Competition day for the girls! Here, they queue up for their medals.

Not the winners but hooray for entering the quarter-finals!

Battambang Rangers emerged as Champions after a long day of fighting hard on the field!

This is all we have for now! Stay tuned for the final part 3 as we bring you the last few photos and thoughts from them all!