Wow wow so the blog has been dead for a year but fret not, we are back! We've been active on our twitter and instagram but not so on the blog and we are so sorry about it.
Let's start off this blog revival by saying that...
Scores from the matches as below:
27 Oct,
RP 3 TP 1 (Scorers - Mo, Siti, Aqilah)
30 Oct,
RP 4 NYP 1 (Scorers - Mo, Siti, Aqilah x 2)
6 Nov,
RP 2 ITE 0 (Scorers - Azima, Faezah)
13 Nov, RP 3 SP 0 (Scorers - Faezah x 2, Siti)
Here are some thoughts from our players...
As a year three, I just feel like it all came to an end too fast. It's
like I just set foot into republic poly and now I'm all set for
graduation in a few months time. Every moment in Rpwst has been precious
to me. All the values and morals I learned in this team will follow me a
long way in life. This last season with the team has been a
bitter-sweet journey, leaving the team as a senior and winning the title
for the third consecutive time in a row :')
Lastly, I want to
proudly say that the future of RPWST looks bright as I hand over
something close to my heart to a group of girls with vast leadership
qualities in them. All the best girls.
One heart, one team, one goal. One team republic.
- Yashvini, Year 3
Our hard work and trainings had paid off for all the 4 matches as we
managed to get all the 12 points and clinched the title again for the
third time in a row. We wouldn't have done it without Coach Arasu, Coach
Siva, Faz, the alumni and the team.
Every team has their
struggles and downfalls and we've had a fair share of them. We knew the
journey to the championship wasn't going to be an easy one. The
championship title wasn't going to be handed to us. We knew we had to
work hard for it and that's exactly what we did. Rain or shine,
trained hard giving our all for every training whether it was a long 2
hour session or just a brief 30 minutes workout. What kept the fire
burning was knowing that our Alumni left a legacy behind and we weren't
just going to leave it to be remembered, we knew we had to uphold the
legacy of champions and inspire the next generation of RPWST player,
just as how they have done for us.
Our determination, perseverance and hunger had led us to win the Championship.
- Faiezah and Jules, Year 2
4 matches, 12 points, 12 goals, 1 team, 1 Trophy!
Some photos from the prize presentation:
The team with the Trophy
Photo by Sheu |
Captain Faezah with the Trophy
Photo by Sheu |
Goalkeepers Mia and Kimberly with the Trophy. Goalkeepers are not forgotten!
Photo by Sheu |
(L-R)Last but not least, the goal scorers Mo, Faezah, Azima and Siti,who contributed to the victories!
Photo by Sheu |
What a great season it has been yet again. 3rd time Champion back to back and we can't ask for more. Indeed a great way to end the season and as December is here, it is time to take a break before the players return to training next year with new players joining the team while the year 3s would be graduating in the first quarter of next year and with some players returning to their clubs to prepare for the Women's Premier League next season.
Hopefully the seniors or outgoing players have left a legacy behind and that this legacy would continue down the years.
Thank you to the Coaches Arasu and Siva, Advisor Faz, the supporters, the parents of the players and last but not least, the alumni who came down to watch and support their juniors. Nothing would be possible without the tough fitness and field trainings.
Don't forget to follow us on our twitter @rpwst and our instagram
@rpwst !